What I do

Executive Leadership Assessment

My Core Beliefs

  • Effective senior leader hiring, promotion and succession decisions are fundamental to the long-term performance of a business

  • Like the due-diligence a business would go through on any significant capital-investment, validated assessments should be completed for senior leadership recruitment and promotions

  • A professional customised service provides a fair, deep evidence-based assessment of the leadership candidates, and gives the leaders a high-quality development experience


  • Dedicate time to listen and understand what experiences and skills are required to be successful in the role

  • Deliver insightful leadership candidate assessments using deep career-based interviews, appropriate psychometrics, and a set of narrative based 360-feedback interviews

  • Candid, easy to read professional reports summarising the strengths and development needs of a leadership candidate against the assessment profile

Executive Leadership Coaching

My Core Beliefs

  • All motivated leaders can continue to strengthen their impact through personal growth, and one-to-one coaching is the most powerful development tool

  • Coaching is most valuable when leaders are going through a transition; when their style needs to evolve to meet new challenges and an experienced coach can guide the leader navigate their journey

  • Coaching should be confidential to an individual, and a sponsoring business should understand if progress is being made against coaching goals


  • Work with stakeholders in advance to agree a framework for measuring progress against coaching goals

  • Understand the context, discuss the assignment with key stakeholders, and ensure the leader is set-up for success

  • Through focused and deep interviews, collect data for the individual to hear their perceived strengths and development areas

  • Provide a non-threatening space for candid conversations with the leader, to allow them reflection time to consider their choices, and explore their motivation for potential behaviour change

  • Co-create with a leader mini-experiments in changing behaviour so they can practice and reflect, both core aspects of adult learning